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Factions are divided into houses and gangs.
Houses: Phoenix (fire) - Aqua (water) - Breeze (wind)
Gangs: Venom (poison) - Voltia (thunder) - Stonehold (earth)
You will be able to join a faction between Sunday (after stamina reset) and Monday (before stamina reset).
Entry fee: 10 WP.
During the competition week each game played with a character of the same element of the house or gang you chose increase to 3 WP.
Each victory with a character of the same element of the house or gang you chose adds 1 WP to the faction, and each defeat subtracts 0.5 WP to the faction.
At the end of the week, the faction with most points wins.
Points are calculated as follows: WP/ total members of the faction.
All WP collected will be distribuited among all the members of the winning faction (only if you contributed at least 1 WP to the faction).
During the next week:
Members of the winning faction will get an extra 2% chance to get a special crystal.
Members of the winning house or gang will get an extra 3% chance to get crystals, and an extra 33% chance to get a crystal of its element.